Tuesday, 27 January 2015


As the first semester is complete. I am going to take this opportunity to reflect on my strengths and weaknesses and my personal approaches to the course; and what I think I should stop doing, activities I should start doing and what I should continue with doing.

Worrying that the work is not creative. Putting off reading or work that may be the most challenging and my weaknesses such as essay writing and leaving it until last. And wasting opportunities to write blog posts, take photographs, read and research.

Believing in myself a little more and expand on my strengths. Create a weekly timetable and diary for myself for the tasks I am going to set myself each week. to enable myself to keep up to date and on target. Get into the habit of reading and Blogging! Be experimental and expand on seminar tasks we are given (above and beyond, and don't be afraid of creativity).

Enjoy the course, have fun and keep engaged. Continue to do extra visual work as that is what I enjoy the most. Keeping up to date with the latest news ans trends within all industries of the fashion world. Continue to look into artists, photographers, designers to gain inspiration for my work.


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